The Gasparilla Invitational is open to all members and their guests. It has been a pleasure over the years to watch some of the finest Mid-Amateur and Senior Amateur players take on our historic golf course here at Palma Ceia Golf and Country Club. We appreciate you coming out to watch the Gasparilla Invitiational and supporting one of the Amateur Events.
In many areas of the course, the playing area is “roped off” and patrons are asked to stay outside of the roped off areas.
Spectators are asked to remain on the cart paths and keep a distance of 15 yards from the players. Please be mindful that these players are competing at a very high level.
Remain silent when a player near you is playing their shot.
Only cameras/press authorized by the Chairperson of the Gasparilla Committee are allowed.
We reserve the right to ask anyone to leave the premises should a player or volunteer deem them as interfering with the play of the participants.
Carts will not be provided to spectators.